Finding Confidence Abroad
Words and photos by Layla Delbono, an ASA Buenos Aires 2013 alumna
I’m Layla and I love Buenos Aires! It must sound pretty cliche considering everyone probably falls in love with the place they study abroad, but Buenos Aires taught me how to be confident (in a different language!) in a big city.
Photos: Universidad de Belgrano 2013 & the cobblestone streets of Buenos Aires
Arriving at the airport
Where to begin…I knew from the moment I stepped out of airport security in Buenos Aires that I was in for the adventure of a lifetime. You see, I had set out to learn Spanish, thinking my “Hola, como estás?” Would get me by. Little did I know that I would not understand one word being said to me in Argentina. Luckily, I had booked a ride home from the airport with ASA, and I knew I would not be alone in my quest to find my new apartment in the big city.
Finding my apartment
Once ASA dropped me off at my beautiful three bedroom apartment in the artistic perfection that is Palermo, I chatted with my bilingual roommates and set off to explore my new neighborhood. I wandered the cobblestone streets and admired the ice cream shops that seemed to pop up on every corner. I smiled at the shop owners selling fresh produce from their tiny convenience stores, called “verdulerías.” I thought about buying a pizza but quickly realized I probably would not know the words to order it. It didn’t take me long to get lost in the streets of Palermo Soho, which left me looking forward to my new school’s orientation, also hosted by ASA.
Photos: View from my apartment & my first visit to downtown
Literally “Studying” Abroad
I made many friends during my first day at the Universidad de Belgrano, but I was still struggling to find independence in the bustling city of BsAs. I decided I would stay very committed to my studies as I purchased loads of school supplies in the college bookstore, stuffed my bag with Spanish workbooks, and stumbled over my words while grabbing a coffee. For the next two weeks, I would do my homework at a cafe on the corner of my street. The “mozos”, also known as waiters, helped me with my homework time and time again. I made friends with my apartment’s cleaning staff who would sit down with me to practice traditional Argentinian dialogue. ASA gave me the tools I needed to become confident in a big city where I could have easily felt lost. By the end of the six months, I was happy to take an afternoon walk alone, confident that I could ask for directions and very sure of myself that I could order a pizza. (Hooray!)
Photo: A quick trip to the south of Argentina
Embracing New Experiences
Believe me, you will not get lost in a big city if you travel with ASA! Buenos Aires is a magical place that will help you find your confidence and hold your hand through change. My biggest piece of advice is to embrace the change around you and embrace the change you see in yourself. Do your best to lean into discomfort and try new things. Like I said at the beginning, it might all sounds a bit cliche, but I love Buenos Aires and I love the lessons it taught me.